Page 19 - Niên giám
P. 19

year-on-year drop in the labor structure; the agriculture, forestry and fishery
                        sector was the “load-bearing component” of the economy amid Covid-19
                        pandemic, so the labor structure in this sector witnessed an increase.

                              6.2. Education, health, social security

                              In  the  school  year  2021-2022,  the  education  network  and  scale
                        maintained its stability. There were 399 kindergartens, general schools and
                        other centers in the province. Amid complicated evolution of the Covid-19
                        pandemic, schools pro-actively and  flexibly developed teaching plans to
                        adapt to pandemic situation and kept academic progress on schedule.

                              Medical network was strengthened, investment in physical facilities
                        and technical infrastructure for healthcare were focused and concerned to
                        maintain  medical  examination  and  treatment  properly.  Following  the
                        motto  "fighting  the  pandemic  like  fighting  the  enemy",  the  Covid-19
                        control measures were taken to follow up closely situation and evolution
                        of the pandemic in each stage in a flexible manner, therefore, any Covid-
                        19 cluster outbreak was immediately contained and controlled.

                              Following the goal "Leave No One Behind", social security must be
                        well performed in a timely manner to ensure publicity, transparency, and
                        right  beneficiaries.  In  2021,  monthly  income  per  capita  in  the  province
                        reached  3,025.7  thousand  VND.  In  2021,  the  proportion  of  poverty
                        households in the province was estimated to reduce from 7.03% in early
                        2021 to 5.82% in late 2021, a contraction of 1.21%.

                              In general: In 2021, the province faced many challenges in socio-
                        economic development such as severe aftermath of flooding in late 2020,
                        negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic; key projects behind schedule,
                        limited  resources  for  development  investment,  etc.  However,  under  the
                        leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the supervision of the
                        Provincial People's Council, the efforts and determination of stakeholders,
                        people, and business community, etc. the socio-economic situation of the
                        province saw positive achievements such as economy witnessed a relative
                        increase;  investment  attraction  and  budget  revenue  achieved  positive
                        performances, winter-spring crop recorded a bumper crop, the livestock
                        production  showed  its  recovery  and  development,  industry  production
                        witnessed positive growth, much attention was paid to social security and
                        gained several results; social order and safety were maintained./.

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