Page 16 - Niên giám
P. 16

2. Finance and banking

                              In 2021, the banking activities continued to implement solutions to
                        remove  difficulties  for  customers  affected  by  the  Covid-19  pandemic.
                        Interest rates on capital mobilization and lending tended to decrease, but
                        the growth of capital and credit mobilization in the province grew quite
                        well compared to the end of 2020. Production and business activities in
                        the  province  gradually  recovered  and  developed;  moreover,  there  were
                        many wind power projects invested and built in the province, so the state
                        budget revenues were considerable over the estimates.

                              The total state budget revenue in the province in 2021 preliminarily
                        reached 8,468 billion VND, a rise of 46.44% over the previous year; of
                        which the domestic revenues achieved 4,086.9 billion VND, an expansion
                        of 25.61%, and accounted for 48.26% of the total state budget revenue.
                              The  total  state  budget  expenditure  in  2021  preliminarily  reached
                        16,102.5 billion VND, a decrease of 3.33% over the previous year; of which
                        the  development  investment  expenditures  reached  2,767  billion  VND,
                        accounting for 17.18% of the total state budget expenditure; the recurrent
                        expenditures achieved 5,872.5 billion VND, accounting for 36.47%.

                              As  of  15  December  2021,  the  mobilized  capital  in  the  province
                        increased by 14.22% compared to that at the end of 2020; the total loan
                        outstanding  to  the  province’s  economy  increased  by  17.89%;
                        nonperforming loans accounted for about 1.14% of total outstanding loans.

                              3. Investment
                              In 2021, the province focused on implementing key and breakthrough
                        tasks for socio-economic development, mobilized the whole political system
                        actively  and  drastically  to  mobilize,  attract  and  call  for  key  investment
                        projects,  taking  full  advantages  of  the  supports  of  central  ministries  and
                        branches to promote and speed up the implementation of some important
                        projects.  Therefore,  in  2021,  the  realized  investment  increase  highly
                        compared to that in the previous year. The large projects such as the Cam
                        Lo  -  La  Son  expressway  traffic  project  speeded    up  the  construction
                        progress;  many  wind  power  projects  funded  by  non-state  capital  were
                        urgently completed and put into operation before November 1st, 2021 to get
                        preferential electricity prices... so the realized investment increased.

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