Page 18 - Niên giám
P. 18

the same period last year; 71 dissolved enterprises, an increase of 31.48%;
                        158  re-operated  enterprises,  an  increase  of  51.92%.  The  temporarily
                        ceased and dissolved enterprises were mostly small and micro-sized ones
                        in  the  trade  and  service  activities,  which  faced  difficulties  due  to  the
                        negative impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

                              6. Social performances

                              6.1. Population, labor
                              The average population recorded a year-on-year increase of 1.63%
                        in 2021; the population growth rate was much higher than that in previous
                        years  when  people  returned  to  the  province  to  avoid  the  pandemic  and
                        looked for local jobs due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
                              In 2021, the average population was 647,790 persons, an increase
                        of  1.63%  against  2020.  The  male  and  female  population  were  321,786
                        persons and 326,004 persons, respectively with the corresponding shares
                        of 49.67% (up 1.83%) and 50.33% (up 1.44%); the urban population was
                        210,960  persons,  accounting  for  32.57%,  up  1.98%;  and  the  rural
                        population  was  436,830  persons,  making  up  67.43%,  up  1.46%.  The
                        average population density was 138 persons per square kilometer.
                              Population  quality  saw  an  improvement,  fertility  rate  gradually
                        declined; life expectancy at birth witnessed an upward trend. In 2021, the
                        crude birth rate was 15.63‰, the total fertility rate was 2.46 children per
                        woman, and the average life expectancy at birth came in at 69.3 years.

                              In  2021,  the  labor  force  aged  15  years  and  over  was  332,758
                        persons, accounting for 51.37% of the population with the corresponding
                        shares of males and females of 51.85% and 48.15%. In 2021, the shares of
                        labor  force  in  urban  and  rural  areas  were  33.29%  and  66.71%,
                        respectively. The employed population in economic sectors was estimated
                        at 321,345 persons, making up 96.57% of labor force in the province.

                              The  proportion  of  labor  force  in  working  age  earned  training
                        degrees and certificates reached 28.47%, of which urban and rural figures
                        were 48.72% and 19.64%, respectively.
                              In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic caused negative impact on almost
                        economic sectors, with an estimated unemployment rate in the province at
                        3.83% in 2021. The hardest-hit activity was the service sector, leading to its

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