Page 64 - Niên giám
P. 64


                                                         IN 2021

                              1. Population

                              The average population in 2021 was 647,790 persons, an increase of
                        1.63%, in comparison with that in 2020, the population growth rate was much
                        higher than that of the  previous  years because the impact of the  Covid-19
                        pandemic  made,  local  migrant  employees  return  their  hometown  to  avoid
                        pandemic and looked for job in the province. Of which the male population
                        was  321,786  persons,  sharing  49.67%,  an  increase  of  1.83%;  female
                        population was 326,004 persons, making up 50.33%, an increase of 1.44%;
                        the urban population was 210,960 persons, sharing 32.57%, an increase of
                        1.98%;  the  rural  population  was  436,830  persons,  sharing  67.43%,  an
                        increase of 1.46%. The average population density was 138 persons/km .
                              Population quality  was  improved,  fertility rate  saw  a decrease, life
                        expectancy witnessed a growing tendency; in 2021, the crude birth rate was
                        estimated to reach 15.63‰, the total fertility rate was 2.46 children/woman,
                        the average life expectancy was 69.3 years.

                              2. Labor employment
                              In  2021,  the  labor  force  aged  15  and  over  was  332,758  persons,
                        sharing 51.37% of the population; of which, the male and female population
                        was 51.85% and 48.15%, respectively. The labor force in the urban areas
                        accounted for 33.29% and the rate for the rural areas accounted for 66.71%.
                        Employees  working  in  the  economic  sectors  were  estimated  to  reach
                        321,345 persons, sharing 96.57% of the province's labor force.
                              The  percentage  of  trained  workers  with  diplomas  and  certificates
                        was 28.47%; of which, the rates of urban and rural areas reached 48.72%
                        and 19.64%, respectively.

                              In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic caused negative impacts on almost
                        economic  sectors,  the  unemployment  rate  of  the  province  in  2021  was
                        estimated  to  reach  3.83%.  Of  which  the  service  sector  was  recorded  to
                        suffer  from  the  most  serious  impact,  the  labor  structure  in  this  sector
                        showed a decrease, in comparison with that in 2020; the agriculture, forestry
                        and fishery sector was recorded as the main pillar of the economy in the
                        context of the Covid-19 pandemic, so the labor structure saw an increase.

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