Page 392 - Niên giám
P. 392

                                                         IN 2021

                              In  2021,  the  Covid-19  pandemic  in  the  province  was  basically
                        under  control;  however,  the  complicated  developments  of  the  pandemic
                        across the country had negative impacts on the circulation and prices of
                        goods; the prolonged pandemic situation caused difficulties for a part of
                        the people and a decrease in the purchasing power. Gross retail sales of

                        goods  and  consumer  services  in  2021  increased  only  4.57%  over  the
                        previous  year;  of  which  retail  sales  of  goods  reached  18,942.67  billion
                        VND, a rise of 5.34% compared to that in 2020; accommodation and food
                        services  reached  2,884.89  billion  VND,  a  growth  of  0.33%;  travel  and
                        tourism only reached 1.52 billion VND, a reduction of 1.94%.

                              As of December 31, 2021, the province had 81 ranked markets, 22
                        supermarkets and commercial centers. A chain of convenient supermarkets
                        was developed to serve the shopping needs of the people.

                              The  total  number  of  visitors  served  by  the  accommodation
                        establishments  was  estimated  at  240,000  arrivals,  equaling  96.73%

                        compared to the previous year; of which 137.7 thousand overnight visitors
                        and 102.2 thousand daily visitors. The total number of visitors served by
                        travel units was 0.7 thousand arrivals, equal to 96.12% compared to the
                        previous year.

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