Page 387 - Niên giám
P. 387

                                AND METHODOLOGY OF SOME STATISTICAL

                                    INDICATORS ON TRADE AND TOURISM


                              Gross retail sales of goods and services is total revenue generated
                        from  retailingconsumer  goods  and  services  of  production  and  business
                        establishments,  including:  revenues  from  retail  sales  of  commercial
                        establishments, retail sales of products of production establishments and
                        farmers, revenue from services of accommodation, catering, tourism, and
                        revenue  from  providing  services  for  individuals,  communities  and  other

                        services directly served to consumers by organizations and individuals.
                              Accommodation  service  revenue  is  the  total  amount  of  money

                        earned  and  to  be  earned  by  providing  short  stay  services  for  customers
                        during  a  certain  period  of  time  (month/quarter/year).  Accommodation
                        establishments  include:  establishments  providing  villas  or  apartments,
                        hotels,  guest  houses,  hostel  and  others  (student  dormitories,
                        accommodation on mobile vehicle...).

                              Food and beverage service revenue is the sum of proceeds from
                        provision  of  food  and  beverage  services  for  customers  during  a  certain
                        period of time, including revenue from self-made food and beverages and

                        foods and beverages purchased from outside for sale without processing
                        and additional services of transfer establishments.

                              Market  is  the  place  where  goods  and  services  are  traded  and
                        exchanged, which is formed as the requirements of production, social life
                        and  regular  activities  for  specific  needs.  There  are  at  least  50  business
                        places in urban areas and 30 physical meeting places in rural areas. The
                        market is divided into three types: Type 1 (with over 400 business places
                        which are located in the important commercial centers of the province or
                        city with space area in conformity with market activities); Type 2 (with the

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