Page 29 - Niên giám
P. 29

Average  air  temperature  in  year  is  the  average  of  average  air
                        temperature of days in the year.

                             •  Air  temperature  is  measured  by  normal  thermometer,  maximum
                        thermometer (mercury), minimum thermometer (alcohol liquid) and thermo
                        graph  (sensor  is  a  bi-metal  plate)  exposed  to  the  air  in  a  meteor  bust  at
                        altitude 2m away from the ground, sheltered from direct solar radiation.

                             •  Daily  average  air  temperature  is  calculated  using  the  simple
                        arithmetic  mean  from  the  results  of  4  main  observations  in  the  day  at
                        1 a.m., 7 a.m., 13 p.m., 19 p.m. or from the results of 24 observations at
                        the time of 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 a.m.,... 24 p.m. of the thermometer.

                             Number of sunshine hours in months is the sum of sunshine hours
                        of the days in the month. Numbers of sunshine hours are hours with direct
                        solar radiation equal or exceed 0.1 kw/m  (≥ 0.2 cal/cm  min.). Sunshine
                        duration is measured by heliograph.
                             Total number of sunshine hours in the year is the total number of

                        sunshine hours of the days in the year.
                             Rainfall  in  months  is  the  total  rainfall  of  the  days  in  the  month.
                        Rainfall  is  the  thickness  measured  in  millimeters  (mm)  of  the  floating

                        water layer  made by rain on a flat  surface at  a site, which  measured by
                        rain-gauge/ pluviometer.

                             Total rainfall in year is the total rainfall of the days in the year.
                             Average  humidity  in  months  is  the  average  of  average  relative

                        humidity of the days in the month.

                             •  Relative  humidity  is  the  ratio  between  the  vapor  in  the  air  and
                        saturation  vapor  (maximum)  at  the  same  temperature.  It  is  indicated  in
                        percentage (%). Humidity is measured by hygrometer and hygrograph.

                             •  Daily  average  relative  humidity  is  calculated  by  the  simple
                        arithmetic  mean  from  the  results  of  4  main  observations  in  the  day  at:
                        1 a.m., 7 a.m., 13 p.m., 19 p.m. or from the results of 24 observations at
                        the time of 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 a.m.,... 24 p.m. of the hygrograph.

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