Page 126 - Niên giám
P. 126


                                                         IN 2021

                             In  2021,  the  realized  investment  in  the  province  achieved  positive
                        results, especially investment in the renewable energy projects, many wind
                        power  and  solar  power  projects  completed  and  put  into  operation...  The
                        realized  investment  in  2021  was  estimated  at  28,669.9  billion  VND,  an
                        increase  of  48%  over  the  previous  year;  of  which:  the  state  sector’s
                        investment  was  4,860.2  billion  VND,  a  decrease  of  3.29%;  the  non-state

                        sector’s investment was 23,649.3 billion VND, a rise of 65.84%; the foreign
                        direct investment sector was 159.4 billion VND, a growth of 87.3%.

                             In the realized investment in the area in 2021, the investment outlays
                        was  estimated  at  26,004.9  billion  VND,  an  increase  of  89.04%  over  the
                        previous  year;  the  fixed  assets  procurement  capital  for  production  reached
                        1,522.3 billion VND, a decrease of 56.73%; the capital for fixed asset repair
                        and upgrading reached 1,105.1 billion VND, a fall of 42.42%; the supplement
                        for working capital from owned capital was 21.2 billion VND, a decline of

                        72.67%; the others reached 15.4 billion VND, a reduction of 84.57%.
                             As of December 31, 2021, there were 18 valid licenced FDI projects

                        with the total registered capital of 2,486.28 million USD.

                             In  2021,  the  area  of  floors  of  residential  buildings  completed  was
                        estimated at 695 thousand m , an increase of 18.25% compared to that in
                        2020. The area of self-built completed houses of households in the whole
                        province  reached  687  thousand  m ,  an  increase  of  18.83%  compared  to
                        that  in  2020;  of  which,  permanent  houses  reached  584.3  thousand  m ,
                        accounting for 85.05% of the total.

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