Page 49 - môc lôc
P. 49

The  rate  of  under-5  children  registered  with  birth  certificate  is  the
          percentage of the number of under-5 children registered with birth certificate
          to the total number of under-5 children in the reporting period.


               The rate of under-5          Number of under-5 children
             children registered with   =   registered with birth certificate   × 100
               birth certificate (%)        Number of under-5 children

                Number of deaths registered with death certificate: The number of
          deaths registered with death certificate is the number of deaths registered
          with  death  certificate  in  the  reference  period.  The  number  of  deaths

          registered with death certificate comprises those who were declared to be
          dead in accordance with the court judgments/decisions and recorded in the
          register of civil status change in line with the Law on Civil Status, and those
          who are death certificate registration on time and overdue.
                LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT

                Labor force (also known as current economically active population)
          comprises  of  all  persons  aged  15  years  and  over  who  are  the  employed

          (working) or the unemployed during the reference period (7 days prior to the
          time of observation).
                Number of working (employed) labors in the economy: Working
          (employed) labors consist of all persons aged 15 years and over who did any
          job during the reference period (not prohibited by law) for at least one hour

          to create goods or provide services for pay or profit. Working (employed)
          labors  do  not  include  those  who  are  self-employed  in  the  agricultural,
          forestry and fishery sector, i.e. those who work to produce own-use products
          for their my family and themselves.

                Working (employed) persons comprise those who do not work during
          the research week but have a job (excluding self-employed job) and work on
          it after days-off (they are still eligible for salary/wage in days-off or going
          to continue working after less than one month days-off).
                In  addition,  the  following  specific  cases  are  also  considered  as
          working (employed) persons:

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