Page 41 - môc lôc
P. 41

- If data is available at two time points (base and end of the short term,
          usually a year), then use the following formula:
                                               P0 + P1
                                       Ptb  =


                Ptb: Average population;
                P0: Population at the base period;
                P1: Population at the ending period.

                - If data is available at times evenly, then use the formula:
                                   P0                          Pn
                                    2   + P1  + ....  + Pn-1 +   2
                            Ptb  =


                Ptb: Average population;
                P0,1,...,n: Population at time points of 0, 1,...,;

                n: Number of equal time points.
                - If data are available at times unequal spaces, using the formula:
                                      Ptb1t1 + Ptb2t2 + .... + Ptbntn
                              Ptb  =

                Ptb: Average population;

                Ptb1: Average population of the first duration;
                Ptb2: Average population of the second duration;

                Ptbn: Average population of the n  duration;
                ti: Length of the i  duration.
                Urban population is the population of the territorial units which is
          designated as urban areas by the State (wards, town).
                Rural  population  is  the  population  of  the  territorial  units  which  is
          designated as rural areas by the State (communes).

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