Page 387 - Nien giam 2018
P. 387

marked and consumers can bargain, the consumer price is the final price
                        of goods paid by consumers in market after negotiation with sellers.

                               Formula for computing average consumer price is as follows:

                                                         M  ,K           1 (  / N  )
                                                P           (P i , j ,k 
                                                         j  , 1 k  1  


                                i P : Average price in the reference month of item i;

                               P i,j,k : Surveyed price of item i at place j, period k;

                               K:  Number  of  survey  periods  of  item  i  in  the  reference  month,
                                     K = 1÷3;

                               k: The survey period of item i, k = 1÷K;

                               M: Number of survey places of item i in the reference month;

                               j: Survey place of item i in period k in reference month, j = 1 ÷M;

                               N: Number of samples of item i’s price collected in the reference
                                  month, N= M x K.

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