Page 386 - Nien giam 2018
P. 386
CPI is computed monthly by the following comparative bases:
base year, previous month, same month of the last year, last December
and periodical average for every province/ city directly under the central
Gold price index and USD price index are relative indicators
(measured by %) reflecting the tendency and change in the price level of
gold and USD by time series in market.
Gold and USD prices are daily recorded at retail shops, average
gold and USD price is computed as the average of prices of days in
a month.
Formula for computing gold and USD price is as follows:
i t t 1 p i t 100
p i
p i t 1
i t t 1 : Gold or USD price index in the reference month (t)
p i
compared to the previous month (t-1);
P : Average gold or USD price in the reference month (t);
P i t 1 : Average gold or USD price in the previous month (t-1).
Gold price index and USD price index are computed monthly by
the following comparative bases: base year, previous month, same month
of the last year, last December and periodical average for every province/
city directly under the central government.
Average consumer price of some goods and servicesin the
local area is the amount of money that consumers spend to buy a unit of
goods or service to serve for daily life. Consumer price is shown by the
retail price of goods in market or the price of services for people’s livings
(including VAT). In case that the prices of goods and services are not