Page 512 - Niên giám
P. 512

                                    SAFETY, JUSTICE AND ENVIRONMENT
                                                         IN 2021

                              1. Health care

                              As of 31 December 2021, the number of health care establishments
                        under  state  management  in  the  province  was  146;  the  total  number  of
                        patient beds was 2,200. The number of health workers directly involved in

                        medical  examination  and  treatment  was  3,127  persons,  of  which  there
                        were 679 doctors. The number of employees in pharmaceutical sector was
                        247 persons, of which there were 70 pharmacists and higher qualifications.

                              In 2021, proportion of communes, wards and district towns reached
                        national  health  standard  came  in  at  99.20%;  the  number  of  doctors  per
                        10,000  inhabitants  10.5  persons;  the  number  of  patient  beds  per  10,000
                        inhabitants  was  33.9  beds;  the  percentage  of  fully  vaccinated  infant
                        children was 98.30%.

                              2. Living standards and social order and safety

                              In 2021, monthly income per capita in the province reached 3,025.7
                        thousand VND. The percentage of multi-dimensional poverty households
                        dropped from 7.03% in late 2020 to 5.82% in late 2021.

                              In 2021, there were 179 traffic accidents in the province, causing
                        102 deaths and 133 injuries. Compared to the figures of 2020, the number
                        of traffic accidents in 2021 increased by 19.33%; number of death rose by
                        7.37%; number of wounded increased by 46.15%. In the year, there were
                        90 fire and explosion incidents across the province, left 04 dead and 03
                        wounded, with an estimated value of loss was 25,294 million VND.

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