Page 161 - Niên giám
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enterprise  to  work  at  their  home  (family  labor);  (2)  Persons  who  are
                        working as apprentices thatsent from schools, training centers for practice
                        and  not  paid  by  the  enterprise;  (3)  Persons  who  are  sent  to  work  in  an
                        enterprise by a joint venture and the enterprise does not pay wage/salary.

                              For private enterprises, they are also considered employees of the
                        enterprise.  For  persons  who  are  members  of  the  family  and  engage  in
                        management  of  production  or  directly  produce  but  do  not  receive

                        wage/salary - their incomes remixed with the profit of business.

                              Annual average capital of the enterprise
                              Capital of the enterprise is advance amount for business activities of

                        the  enterprise  including  total  available  capital  (owners’  equity)  of  the
                        enterprise and liabilities (Loans and other payables). The annual average
                        capital  of  the  enterprise  is  calculated  as  the  average  capital  of  the
                        enterprise at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.


                                                 Capital at the beginning   +   Capital at the end
                              The annual               of the period            of the period
                            average capital   =                        2

                              Fixed assets and long-term investment of the enterprise is total

                        remaining  value  of  fixed  assets,  value  of  basic  construction  cost  in
                        progress,  deposits,  long-term  deposits  and  other  long-term  financial
                        investment amount of the enterprise.

                              Net  turnover  of  the  enterprise  is  total  income  of  the  enterprise
                        gained by selling its products or services to outside after subtracting taxes
                        (special consumption tax, export tax, value added tax by method of direct
                        accounts payable) and other reductions (discounts, rebates on goods sold,
                        returned  goods).  Net  turnover  does  not  include:  (1)  Turnover  from

                        financial activities; (2) Turnover from unusual activities such as: clearance
                        sale,  sale  of  asset,  collection  of  money  due  to  partner  violates  contract,
                        collection of bad debt that was processed...

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