Page 367 - Niên giám
P. 367


                              In 2021, some wind and solar power projects in the province were
                        completed and put into operation thanks to the good control of the Covid-19

                        pandemic, thus industrial production witnessed the positive signals.

                              In  2021,  the  index  of  industrial  production  (IIP)  in  the  province
                        increased by 8.72% compared to that in 2020 (a rise of 4.71% in 2020); of
                        which,  the  mining  and  quarrying  added  by  3.77%;  the  manufacturing
                        jumped up 6.46%; the water supply, sewerage, waste remediation edged
                        up  2.20%;  the  production  and  distribution  of  electricity  rocketed  by
                        21.17%, the highest increase up to now due to the positive results in the
                        attraction of investment in renewable energy projects.

                              In 2-digit industrial activities, the IIP of some industrial activities
                        highly  rose  due  to  the  increase  in  production  capacity,  the  assurance  of
                        input  materials  and  stable  consumption  market  such  as:  Manufacture  of
                        textile rocketed by 92.81%; production and distribution electricity shot up
                        21.17%;  manufacture  of  wood  and  wood  products  surged  up  15.75%;
                        manufacture  of  other  non-metallic  mineral  products  soared  by  14.39%;
                        manufacture of rubber and plastic products jumped up 14.00%. In contrast,
                        some  industrial  activities  experienced  a  decrease  in  IIP  as  follows:

                        manufacture  of  leather  and  related  products;  other  manufacturing;
                        manufacture of furniture; manufacture of other transport equipment; and
                        printing and reproduction of recorded media declined by 45.53%; 31.26%;
                        16.11%; 12.91%; and 3.36%, respectively. The IIP of industrial activities
                        possessed a decrease because of the narrowed production and consumption

                        supply chain caused by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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