Page 347 - Nien giam 2018
P. 347

Weight of VSIC 4-digit industry is the value of average inventory
                        of VSIC 4-digit industry at base year of 2010 (average of the beginning
                        and the end of 2010).

                             - Step 4: Calculating inventory index of the whole manufacturing

                                                              I    h
                                                     I      KN 2    KN 2
                                                                h KN 2


                             I : Inventory index of the whole manufacturing;
                             I KN2 : Inventory index of VSIC 2-digit industry;

                             h KN2 : Weight of VSIC 2-digit industry.

                             Weight of VSIC 2-digit industry is the value of average inventory
                        of VSIC 2-digit industry at base year of 2010 (average of the beginning
                        and the end of 2010).

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