Page 5 - Niên giám
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                               The Statistical Yearbook has been compiled and published annually
                        by QuangTri Statistics Office in two languages Vietnamese and English.
                        Its  contents  includes  basic  statistical  data  and  reflect  the  socio-
                        economic situation in QuangTri province.

                               “QuangTri  Statistical  Yearbook  2021”  includes  data  system  in

                        years: 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. The data of 2020 back ward are
                        offical; the data of 2021 is preliminary. All data have been collected and
                        calculated according to currently methods stipulated by Vietnam General
                        Statistics  Office.  Value  added  of  economic  activities  and  types  of

                        ownerships  are  calculated  according  to  basic  prices,  announced  by  the
                        General Statistics Office.

                               Some special signs used in the book:

                               ( - ): No social-economic facts occurred;

                               ( ... ): Social-economic facts occurred but no information.

                               The yearbook is useful for leaders at all levels, branches and readers
                        near and far. During process of compilation, mistake is unavoidable. We are
                        looking  forward  to  receiving  more  comments  and  ideas  from  the
                        government offices, departments and individuals to improve the quality for

                        the next release. Any suggestions please send to QuangTri Statistics Office
                        or phone number: (0233)3853204.

                                                             QUANGTRI STATISTICS OFFICE

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