Page 456 - Niên giám
P. 456

Pupils of general school are those who are in classes from grade 1
                        to grade 12 of the general schools.

                               -  Primary  pupils  are  those  who  are  in  classes  from  grade  1  to
                        grade 5;

                               - Lower secondary pupils are those who are in classes from grade 6
                        to grade 9;

                               - Upper secondary pupils are those who are in classes from grade
                        10 to grade 12.

                               Enrolment  rate  of  general  education  is  measured  as  the
                        percentage between the number of students attending school in the School

                        year t and total general school-aged population in the School year t.

                               - Primary school-aged population is from 6 to 10 years old;
                               -  Lower  secondary  school-aged  population  is  from  11  to

                        14 years old;

                               -  Upper  secondary  school-aged  population  is  from  15  to
                        17 years old.

                               Rate of graduates of upper secondary education is measured as
                        the  percentage  between  the  number  of  graduates  of  upper  secondary
                        school  and  total  number  of  pupils  taking  graduation  exam  of  upper

                        secondary school.
                               Rate  of  repeaters  and  drop-out  ismeasured  as  the  percentage

                        between  the  number  of  repeaters,  drop-out  in  the  School  year  and  total
                        enrolled pupils at the beginning of the reference School year.

                               Rate of repeaters can be measured by grade and schooling level.

                               Number of pupils enrolling illiteracy eradication classesis the
                        number  of  pupils  attending  illiteracy  eradication  classes  under  the
                        literacy  eradication  program  and  continuation  education  upon  the
                        completion of level 3 of the illiteracy eradication program, equivalent to

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