Page 286 - Niên giám
P. 286

                                                         IN 2021

                              The  agriculture  sector  continued  to  act  as  the  backbone  of  the
                        economy during the pandemic, which was recorded to reach positive results:

                              Crops production: The annual yield of most crops was reported to

                        reach higher than that in 2020, especially the yield of winter-spring paddy
                        reached  61  quintals/hectare,  which  was  recorded  to  reach  the  highest
                        figure  than  ever.  Cereal  production  reached  29.44  thousand  tons,  an
                        increase  of  1.73%,  in  comparison  with  that  in  2020.  Value  chain
                        development  linkage models continued to be implemented which brought
                        high economic efficiency.

                              Livestock  production:  The  livestock  production  saw  a  positive
                        growth due to the recovery of pig farming after the 2019 African swine
                        fever  epidemic,  and  poultry  production  was  recorded  to  develop  well.

                        Production of pig live-weight reached 28,117 tons, an increase of 29.88%,
                        in comparison with that in 2020; poultry live-weight production reached
                        15,620.9  tons,  an  increase  of  21.39%;  poultry  eggs  reached  48,047
                        thousand eggs, an increase of 7.45%.

                              Forestry  production:  Forestry  production  mainly  focused  on
                        sustainable  development,  improving  productivity,  quality  and  value  of
                        production  forests;  increasing  the  added  value  of  wood  manufactured
                        products. Newly concentrated forest area was estimated to reach 9,829.9

                        hectares; of which, forest production made up 96.93%. Wood production
                        reached  944  thousand  m ,  an  increase  of  2.29%;  firewood  production
                        reached 181,660 ste, an increase of 71.75%, in comparison with that of the
                        same period.

                              Fishery production: Total fishery production reached 36 thousand
                        tons,  an  increase  of  2.84%,  in  comparison  with  that  in  2020;  of  which
                        captured  production  saw  a  growth  of  0.24% and  aquaculture  production
                        reached 11.76%.

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